Your views sought for SBNI e-Safety Strategy and Three year Action Plan for Northern Ireland 2019- 2022

Your views sought for SBNI e-Safety Strategy and Three year Action Plan for Northern Ireland 2019- 2022

Opportunity to share your views.

The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI) invites your views on their draft e-Safety Strategy and Three Year Action Plan for Northern Ireland 2019 – 2022.

This consultation seeks your views on our new e-Safety Strategy which sets out how all children and young people in Northern Ireland can, as far as possible, be kept safe and secure online.

Young people visit RADAR NI for safety and life skills training

Young people visit RADAR NI for safety and life skills training

Practical learning, that’s fun!

On Friday 22 February What Next? Project participants people got a chance to visit RADAR NI (Risk Avoidance and Danger Awareness Resource) which makes safety and life skills education interactive.

Autonomie announce Strictly Our Achievements Celebration Event

Autonomie announce Strictly Our Achievements Celebration Event

We are delighted to announce that, on Friday 5th April, Autonomie will be hosting Strictly Our Achievements Celebration.

A night of celebration marking the achievement of the young people involved in Autonomie’s services including the What next? Project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

Young people make their own recipes books then make lunch!

Young people make their own recipes books then make lunch!

At Autonomie, we are proud to empower young people with additional needs to make informed in their daily lives. Informed decisions like choosing foods that are healthy and form part of a balanced diet.

As part of What Next? Programme, participants recently got creative by making their own recipe books before making a delicious lunch.

Pledge To Talk this Safer internet Day

At Autonomie, we take internet safety very seriously. We are proud to deliver training and workshops to help equip young people with additional needs with the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions online.

Today is Safer Internet Day and it offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community.

Freedom2Choose programme young people create art collage 'Hands Together'

Freedom2Choose programme young people create art collage 'Hands Together'

On Saturday 19 January Freedom2Choose programme young people all ‘Made our Mark’ on canvas; the name for this art work was voted on by the young people who named it - ‘Hands Together’ which is now proudly displayed at Lilac House!