SAIL programme


At SAIL, we are committed to helping young people with additional needs overcome many of the challenges they face as they move into adult life. SAIL programme helps these young people reach their potential and lead fuller and more independent lives.


What is SAIL?

This 3-year National Lottery Community Fund NI funded programme launched in May 2021 and is suitable for young people with physical disabilities and allied additional needs aged between 16-30 years old.


SAIL (Social and Independent Living) provides young people with complex additional needs an interactive and fun learning experience. This community-based programme helps young people build self-confidence and develop self-awareness and provides emotional and practical support during transition between adolescence and adulthood.

WHAT does the programme OFFER?

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SAIL offers participants an opportunity to develop or improve basic independent living skills and empowers these young people with additional needs to live more independent and confident lives within their community.

Who is SAIL for?

Young people with physical disabilities and allied additional needs aged between 16 and 30.

How much does is cost for my child to attend?

Payment for this service is made via Direct Payments



Opportunities to do what every young person should be doing!

Theme and activies include:

  • Life choices - How these can impact on all aspects of living

·       Keeping safe - Living in local communities

·       Living a more independent life – Basic cookery skills, Housekeeping, Budgets and Responsibilities

·       Personal awareness - Self Awareness, Personal Safety, and Personal presentation.

·       Looking after Mental health – Coping Skills, Triggers and Distractions.·   


Where does SAIL take place?

SAIL programme is available in the following local council areas:


·      Ards and Northdown

·      Antrim and Newtownabbey

·      Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon

·      Lisburn and Castlereagh

·      Mid and East Antrim

·      Newry, Mourne and Down

·      Mid Ulster


Young people can access:


·      Independent Living

·      Social Opportunities

·      Volunteering

·      Young People’s Voice Youth Forum


SAIL seeks to develop:

·      Social skills

·      Independence

·      ‘Natural’ peer interaction

·      Positive mental health

·      Self-confidence

·      Self-awareness

·      Communication skills

·      ‘Active’ participation

·      Opportunities for new friendships


Register your interest or to learn more using this Contact Form

SAIL Project Information Leaftet


SAIL is supported by The National Lottery Community Fund NI