Homelessness workshop and pancake making

On Tuesday 25 February 2020 at What Next Programme young people used their cookery skills to make their own delicious pancakes for Pancake Tuesday.


Everyone had a chance to make their own pancakes and then choose their toppings. With homelessness a key theme, this session was a chance to explore what it means to be homeless and develop an understanding of why some people are homeless and how we can help them.

Members in the group shared their thoughts and developed their understanding in preparation for completing their Shoebox Appeal For the Homeless.


Belfast Club night fun for young people

On Friday 21 February young people attended the Mac Club at the Beechlawn hotel. Young people enjoyed socialising with friends and meeting up with some friends they haven’t seen in a while.


The Mac club offers a night out for people aged 18+ in a safe environment. Young people got an opportunity to practice money management and life skills whilst ordering drinks, paying in, requesting songs and meeting new people.

Feedback was great. “Best night ever”.

Thanks to staff and volunteers for ensuring a great time was had by all.


Young people make pasta bake for lunch with group cookery session

On Saturday 22 February 2020, young people who take part in Freedom2Choose Programme got creative in the kitchen making pasta bakes for their lunch.

With most of the work done by themselves, some chopped up vegetables, cooked the pasta, whilst some sprinkled cheese on their pasta bakes.

They even enjoyed a healthy and delicious chicken and vegetable stir fry made by Tessie for their lunch. Thanks Tessie!

Thanks to staff and volunteers for supporting young people and well done everyone for the enthusiasm and great teamwork!

Mango Direct Marketing Presents Cheque to Autonomie

Our work is only possible thanks to many people and we would like you to join us and say a big THANK YOU to all at Mango Direct Marketing in Bangor.


The wonderful team at Mango have raised ***Five Hundred pounds*** (£500.00) for us, supporting our work to empower young people with additional needs in Belfast and surrounding areas.

Thank you everyone for this kind donation!

On Friday 31 January, Autonomie’s Lynne Morrison, Nicole Hammond and Gary Burns visited Mango for afternoon tea and to celebrate this fantastic fundraising effort.


A great time was had by all and the home baked treats were delicious. There was even an opportunity for Gary to get a game of pool in during the visit.

Thank you all at Mango for the wonderful hospitality and fantastic fundraising.


Young people launch shoebox for homeless appeal

Campaigning to help the homeless are, left to right, Niamh, David, Ashling, Gary.

Campaigning to help the homeless are, left to right, Niamh, David, Ashling, Gary.

Young people who take part in Autonomie’s What Next? Programme are delighted to launch ‘Shoebox Appeal For The Homeless’.

The inspirational young people with additional needs are hoping to make a difference to the lives of vulnerable men, women and children and are asking for you to support their appeal.

Donations will be gratefully received at Lilac House, Belfast on Friday Mornings between 10 am and 12 pm.

The final date for contributions is Tuesday 10th of March.

****Please help the young people help the local community****

Ideas for filling your shoebox


✅ Toothbrush and toothpaste

✅ Deodorant (roll on only)

✅ Shower gel and shampoo

✅ Face wipes and baby wipes

✅ Hairbrush / comb

✅ Tissues and antibacterial wipes

✅ Sanitary products FOOD ITEMS

✅ Energy bars / granola bars

✅ Tinned food (ring pull) e.g canned fruit ✅ Bottled water and drinks

✅ Instand food / food sachets

✅ Peanut butter

For further information please contact Nicole Hammond, What Next? Programme Youth Project Officer by email at nicoleautonomieorg@gmail.com or by telephone on 02895918051



Further information on What Next? Programme and the appeal The current What Next? Programme runs until 31st of March 2020 and the theme is ‘living in today's society'. The main focus is homelessness and poverty in NI.

As part of this programme, young people are undertaking a shoebox appeal for homeless organisations.


Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers Needed!

We’re seeking Volunteers for Freedom2Choose Activity Programme.

Volunteers required to provide one-to-one support to young people with additional needs to participate fully in our Freedom2Choose Activity Programme every Saturday from 1.30 pm - 4.30 pm.

Freedom2Choose programme members enjoy fun afternoon ten pin bowling at Odyssey Bowl Belfast

The Freedom2Choose gang enjoyed a fun afternoon ten pin bowling at Odyssey Bowl, Belfast.

A great time was had by all.

Picture gallery

Autonomie Staff and Volunteers Attend Fleming Fulton School Prize Giving Event

On Friday, staff and volunteers attended Fleming Fulton School prize giving event. Autonomie provided free hot chocolate to all pupils. Feedback was great! Young people loved the hot chocolate and Gary loved supporting his old school.


Pictured L - R (Paul Jeffers Autonomie Chairman, Naomi McAleese Volunteer, Gary Burns and Danielle McConvery Project Worker)

Thank you to Mrs Hancock and Mrs Cummings for the invite.


Young people have hands-on session to understand the role of a volunteer

On Tuesday 4 February 2020 young people from the What Next? Programme had the opportunity to understand the role of a volunteer with hands on experience.

At Autonomie, volunteers are at the heart of all the we do and already some young people volunteers as part of our ‘Be

A Champion’ programme.

As part of their hands-on experience into understanding the role of a volunteer, on Tuesday young people developed their own session plan and each young person ran their own activity.

Young people demonstrated their clear understanding of what is expected of a volunteer.

One young person said: ‘this is a piece of cake’ and another person said: ‘I felt empowered’ during the debrief of how they felt their activity went.

Thank you to all young people for their enthusiasm and effort and to the What Next? Programme session facilitators.

Homelessness A Key Focus For What Next? Programme


The latest What Next? Programme in partnership with The National Lottery Community Fund runs from 14 January 2020 to 31 March 2020 and promotes good mental health in young people living with additional needs aged between 16 and 25.

The theme of this 11-week practical activities programme is ‘living in today's society' with the main focus on homelessness and poverty within NI.

A key highlight of the programme is young people leading a shoe box appeal for local homeless organisations in the community. More details on how to get involved in our appeal will be available soon. Keep checking our website for updates as well as our Facebook page for details on the What Next? Programme Shoebox Appeal for homeless organisations.
