Guys talk football, boys night out and social distancing exercise in latest catch up video call

Chatting or having a conversation with someone is one of the best ways to look after our mental health.


Having a chat about any worries you may have as well as talking about the things you enjoy doing whether playing video games, movies, sport or hobbies helps us to feel connected.

Whilst at home each week volunteers and staff catch up with young people. It’s a highlight of the week for our team - to catch up with everyone.

Robert and Stephen had another video call at the weekend with Gary and Conor this is what they chatted about..

“We really had a nice catch up and talked about how we where social distance exercising and how much we missed our daily routines.

“We all agreed that we missed the football and how it wasn’t the same, interestingly we talked about the movie and series choices that we have been watching to try and pass the time, the boys nights was another topic, about how we all missed them and we can wait for them to resume once normality kicks in again, and of course we all had good banter as we always do.”

Sounds like it was time well spent!


#AutonomieCheckInAndCatchUpCalls #AutonomieCoronavirusSupportHub

Young people take part in French toast and bird feeder task challenge

On Saturday 16th of May young people got a chance to take part in the Freedom2Choose weekly task making French toast and making a bird house / feeder!

Due to coronavirus outbreak and current restrictions, young people at home took part by video and WhatsApp technology which was led by our team member Aine.

Well done to all our young people for taking part. With some even choosing to take part in the 2 tasks!

A fantastic effort, well done everyone, we all all so proud of you and your achievements during this time.

French toast task

Bird house / feeder task

Autonomie supports disabled young people using technology during coronavirus pandemic

In the news - media release

24 April 2020


Autonomie have been adapting to the coronavirus outbreak by digitising key services and reaching disabled young people via virtual means.

Under normal circumstances the Belfast-based youth disability charity helps disabled youngsters with self-confidence and life skills in Belfast and surrounding areas.

Now, with social distancing regulations in effect, Autonomie has been running virtual exercise and cookery sessions, check-in-and-catch-up video calls and Makaton sign of the week.

Some young people have even been taking part in a weekly task such as preparing a healthy meal and with a prize for the young person who completes the most tasks during lockdown, many have got involved.

Autonomie Chief Officer Lynne Morrison said: “As a youth disability charity we recognise that vulnerable young people with additional needs and their families in Belfast and surrounding areas will need our services now more than ever so it was vital that we changed the way we worked to support our service users.

“Our volunteers and staff have worked extremely hard to digitally transform our services to ensure our community is supported at this incredibly difficult time.

“Government guidelines mean we aren’t able to deliver group activities. overnight stays, or counselling at the moment, so we are using video, telephone calls, message apps and social media to reach young people and their parents."

The charity has also been using digital technology to deliver live singalongs, family quizzes and arts & crafts.

Parents can access a free and confidential telephone counselling service, a support helpline and the charity regularly shares information and resources across its social media platforms.

Ms Morrison continues: “We'd like to reassure young people and parents who use our services that we are committed to continuing to provide the best quality support, interventions and signposting to support good mental health during the coronavirus outbreak.

“I’m delighted to see so many of our young people are involved. Being able to provide these young people with structured opportunities to chat with their peers, take part in video app quizzes as well as take part in the weekly task has really made a difference by reducing levels of isolation.

“Young people are still able to continue to learn new and develop existing life skills by taking part in the weekly task at home which they would normally develop during group activities at our centre Lilac House.

“The weekly task has proven a real boost for their self confidence and wellbeing. There’s a real sense of achievement.

“I’m so proud too of our volunteers and staff. Not only have they modified and digitised programmes, they have continued to invest in their learning and professional development by completing online courses such as suicide awareness whilst working from home.”

Weekly tasks the young people have already completed include making a healthy meal, doing an exercise activity and even cleaning the door handles in their homes to help keep them and their family safe.

Young person Stephanie Hewitt who takes part in Autonomie’s online programmes said: “Autonomie is so much fun. I miss going to Lilac House and not being able to go to places with Autonomie but I get to chat to everyone on video every week.

“I love singing and we created a video singalong which was so much fun.

“I’ve been taking part in the weekly task challenge and I hope I win.”

The charity will be launching more initiatives to support disabled young people and their families over the coming months.

For more information about Autonomie you can visit

Families hail the Autonomie Lockdown Quiz a massive success

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It’s vital as an organisation we continue to meet the needs of young people and families and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who were able to take part in the first ever Autonomie Lockdown Quiz which took place digitally on Friday 8th May.


Following the event, we provided our VIPs (Very Important Parents) with a Q&A - a chance for them to share their feedback and suggestions on how we could improve.


THANK YOU all for taking the time to give your feedback.

It really helps us to continue to meet the needs of your family at a time when support is needed most.

Based on your responses, we know the quiz was a huge success, so much so, that we will be hosting another online event for the whole family soon.

We know some of you were unable take part in the Autonomie Lockdown Quiz due to other commitments at the time of the event and we will take this into consideration when planning the next online event.

Keep checking our Facebook page for more announcements soon.

#AutonomieLockdownQuiz #AutonomieCoronavirusSupportHub #AutonomieVIPs


What’s on: Week 8 activities for young people at Autonomie

There is lots of fun interactive activities on this week for young people with additional needs to take part in!


Benefits for your young person taking part:

✅ Promotes good mental health

✅ Fun and interactive

✅ Skills development & acquire new skills

✅ Boost self-confidence

✅ Social connections

✅ Boost relaxation and mindfulness

✅ Empowers by promoting independence



Weekly Task: Young people separate light and dark clothes before being washed in washing machine

Well done to Malcolm who is the first young person to have completed this week’s task challenge!


Not only did Malcolm complete the task of separating light and dark coloured clothes before they are washed in the washing machine, he even hung the washed socks on his washing line.


A job he does regularly.

Great work Malcom!

Also successfully completing the challenge was Gary, Megan, Stephanie and Jordan. Fantastic work everyone. We are so proud of your accomplishments every week whilst at home.

#AutonomieIndependentTaskChallenge #AutonomieCoronavirusSupportHub