This week young people are taking part in our fun-packed Summer Scheme. It’s Day 4 today!
Volunteers Gary and Conor explain here what everyone has got up to already this week and check out the photo gallery!
Day 1
After discussing how we were all feeling about starting the Summer Scheme, we competed in a team quiz then designed our own Summer T-Shirts and lunch bags - don't they look lovely!
After lunch we shared our favourite dance routines, Gary taught us 'the birdie' dance, and we invented some of our own moves to go with the music!
To end the day - we talked about how we were feeling after the first day - some people felt 'happy but tired' some others were 'sad the day was over' and some felt ready to 'Party Harty’.
Day 2
We all met in Yorkgate this morning, and we firstly visited The Lost City Adventure Golf- Wow what an adventure, 18 holes of skill, fun and wheelchair friendly. OK, there were a few times it took us more than 4 shots to get the balls into the holes but Meabh and Gary both managed to get a 'Hole In One'!
After this, we went to see Incredibles 2 in the Movie House where we also enjoyed some popcorn (both sweet & salty) along with refreshing juice. We were all engrossed!
And if that was not enough, we then enjoyed a lunch in Burger King - all ordering our faves.
Some people said they fell asleep in the cinema - we think 'you had too much fun'
Tomorrow is another day!!
Day 3
Over our juice, coffee and tea, we discussed our adventurous day 2 of the summer scheme, most people had enjoyed The Lost City Adventure Golf but others said they had not, everyone loved the movie and some are planning another viewing with family and friends.
So it’s day 3, and everyone is feeling a bit tired, after finding out how each other was feeling, we moved into the hall and played 'musical statues', and moved to some cracking tunes - Lynne said it was to wake us all up!!!
Thank goodness for Nikos and Damien from Drakes Music who sat us down and gave us the opportunity to try all sorts of musical gadgets while recording the voices and compositions. Gary thought he was Darth Vader, Stephanie used her beautiful voice and Aishling provided some accompaniment.
After lunch, Emma C showed us how to make some nifty pots & plant some flowers. Some people designed Unicorns, some Football related and some amazing own designs.
Putting in compost and flowers was dirty work, but we all wanted to do it.
Another day over and we’re into day 4 today and one more day to go!