Milisle Primary School welcomes the support of Autonomie

Miss Walls, a classroom assistant in Millisle Primary School, has really appreciated the advice and support from Autonomie.  She recently commented,

"At Millisle Primary School we welcome all children. This year we welcomed a Primary 7 pupil who is a wheelchair user and has been able to use the numerous facilities in our school. He has settled in extremely well with us and his parents have stated that their child's 'confidence has shot through the roof in only the few months he has been with us, he is so happy, which is what he needs for the big step in September.' We could not be more pleased with this result and Autonomie have been a fantastic help in supporting our Principal and Classroom Assistants throughout this process."

Autonomie is only a phone call away and will respond to your school's individual needs in helping support young people with disabilities.  The Autonomie team enjoyed being part of the support mechanism within Millisle Primary School and facilitated classroom assistant training workshops to allow a smooth pupil transition into school and the full participation of a pupil in his KS2 curriculum study.  We look forward to this continued partnership approach.