Keeping Safe is the focus of Autonomie's latest Freedom2Choose programme. The programme which runs from October to December 2017 is designed to support young people with additional needs by giving them knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves safe.
The programme is designed to provide 16 to-25-year-olds with additional needs with information, tips and advice on how to keep themselves safe both in real life and online.
This 9-week Keeping Safe programme will focus on a variety of areas including keeping safe in the community, online safety, bullying, cyerbullying and hate crime.
Keeping Safe Programme Aims:
- Offer best practice guidance on how to keep safe in the community
- Teach participants how to recognise an online troll and how to effectively deal with one
- Safe sharing of information whilst using the internet and social media
- Teach participants how to recognise unsafe relationships in real life and online
- Teach participants how to recognise signs of hate crimes in real life and online
- Help participants not only recognise times and situations when they may be unsafe but give them skills and knowledge so they can effectively disclose such information to a trusted adult
- Promote early disclosure of bullying
- Ensure personal possessions are safe whilst in public places
Hate Crimes On The Rise
Disability hate crime reports have surged in recent times. The number of reports of hate crimes against disabled people in 2016/17 rose by 53%, Home Office statistics released on 17 October 2017 reveal.
How Freedom2Choose Is Tackling Hate Crimes
It is vital that these young people are able to access preventative education and Autonomie's Keeping Safe programme will educate participants on ways to recognise the signs of bullying, hate crimes, inappropriate relations as well as promote safe sharing online.
Trained Facilitators Empowering Young People
Using trained sessional facilitators to deliver this one day a week programme, young people will take part in a variety of informal workshops and activities. Gail McGivern from South Belfast Area Project will cover areas including how to stay safe in daily life, how to use social media safely, and look at ways to develop safe and appropriate relationships.
Const. Keith Johnston (PSNI) will be visiting to give programme participants tips and advice on keeping themselves safe and how to report hate crimes.
Putting Learning InTo Practice
Over the course of the programme participants will get a chance to put learning into practice. Visiting public places will allow the young people to experience first-hand how to take responsibility for their own personal safety as well as personal possessions. Experiences will include Ten Pin Bowls and visiting a busy restaurant and ordering food and drinks.
By then end of the programme each young person will have a greater awareness and a better understanding on how to keep safe in a variety of every day situations, recognise the dangers to be careful of and disclose inappropriate situations to a trusted adult.
Programme Details and schedule
All activities in Finaghy Youth Resource Centre will be from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm - outing information will be confirmed closer to the dates.
All members are asked to make a voluntary contribution of £3.00 per week.