What Next? Programme was back this week with Tuesday 14th January 2020 the first day back at Autonomie for the What Next? crew.
Starting off with ice-breakers, young people then had a chance to their own group contract.
The programme is led by young people aged between 16 and 25, so next up was a chance for a group discussion on the programme and what they would like included within it.
With some New Year goals set to work towards to help increase their independence, participates then explored ways in which we can help others - the key focus of this latest programme.
Young people were glad to be back at Autonomie after our Christmas break.
Next it was time for the first activity and what better way to start than with the launch of the What Next? Breakfast Club. Young people showed independence and supported one another to make their own breakfast - with the session topic being friendship.
Working together in partners, members got to explore commonalities and differences which they have with one another through the hands-on method of baking. With a few buns left over, young people kindly offered the them to the staff in Finaghy Resource Centre.
Great fun was had by all and the group showed a high level of support for one another. Well done everyone.