Young people share daily activity updates with Autonomie inspiring community

With everyone at home due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, young people who take part in our programmes share regular updates and photographs of their daily routines to keep in contact with and find out what their friends at Autonomie are up to.

Lynne Morrison, Chief Officer at Autonomie said: “As well at many of our young people taking part in our weekly independent skills task challenge, were young people complete a task at home and a prize presented to the young person who completes the most tasks during this period of lockdown, young people are sharing photographs with Autonomie which we share on our Facebook page.

“It’s great to see not only the young people adjust so well to being at home but there is a real sense of Autonomie community spirit even though our centre it not open at present.

“Young people are active on social media and regularly check our Facebook page to see updates and photographs from their friends. Social media in particular is extremely useful at this time and Autonomie’s Facebook page is now even more of a vital community hub.

”I am so proud and impressed by how well our vulnerable young people are coping in these extraordinary circumstances. They are using independent living skills they have further developed by participating in programmes at our centre Lilac House and carrying out daily tasks to support their wellbeing, development as well as providing support to their families.

“From baking, cooking and exercising, to hanging out the washing, gardening and even painting our young people are showing real leadership and commitment.

“All of us at Autonomie are impressed by each and every one of our young people and we would also like to thank their families for supporting the initiative.”