See what our young people are up to at home with latest Autonomie Video Diary Updates

Aine, Danni, Jordan and Nathan all had a video call today (Monday 4 May 2020) to catch up on what they have been doing during lockdown.


Nathan is enjoying increasing his skills on his computer and video games.

He’s looking forward for things to open again so he can have a chinese meal.

Jordan is tormented by Nicole making a mess as the two of them have been baking and making nice summer drinks.
Jordan is excited to head to Tesco later for a change of scenery and is enjoying exploring YouTube.


Autonomie’s Lynne and Tessie also caught up with Malcom and Owen today as part of our weekly check-in-and-catch-up video calls.

So, what have the guys been up to? Lots!

A highlight for Malcolm was that had a video call birthday party at 8am with a relative in New Zealand (night time there ). Malcom is enjoying helping his mum in the garden, keeping fit as playing games.

Owen said he was attending Broadacres Met (instead of Belfast Met) as his Dad does his college work with him.

Owen is looking after some seeds that he planted in the garden and can’t wait for them to grow.

He is also enjoying walking to keep fit.


Due to technical issues last week, Naomi, Sarah, Megan and Niamh had a further video call earlier today.

Megan told everyone she had a lovely birthday (on Friday) and enjoyed her cake which they home baked!

Niamh has been enjoying making her own jewellery as she can’t get out to go shopping and is excited to make more.

Their dogs also joined in on the chat.

Woof woof!
