Megan, Niamh and Stephanie take part in Great Autonomie Bake-off and develop their independent task skills

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Megan has not only been busy planting seeds, she also been busy over the weekend making scones from the scone mix from the well-being pack and her family said the scones were delicious with cream and jam

Today, Megan made cupcakes which were her mum says were nice but the buttercream on the top was a bit tricky!

Well done Megan!

Niamh and Stephanie have also joined in the Great Autonomie Bake-off with Niamh making a Strawberry and Cream Victoria Sponge Cake!

Young person Malcolm who spotted a picture of Niamh’s cake on the Autonomie family group WhatsApp wanted Niamh to know that her “Strawberry and Cream Victoria sponge looks amazing and he would LOVE a piece!!.”

Well done Niamh!

Stephanie who has already made beautiful iced topped German Biscuits made a scone loaf!

Here’s what Stephanie’s mum had to say: “We took a leaf out of Nicoles book today ..we had a little disaster with our scones..the mixture was too sticky to cut so we bunged it into the oven and made a scone loaf! Once we added jam and cream Steffi thought it deserved a 10! Presentation wasn't too bad after all!”

Well done Stephanie!
