Young people to make Vegetable Frittata with Freedom2Choose Convenient Cookery Zoom session

Saturday 19 September 2020


Starting at 1.30 pm on Zoom!

Making a tasty and nutritious Vegetable Frittata (Italian Omelette) - part of our convenient cookery independent life-skills practical training.

The session will be lead by Tessie and supported by Bethany and Emma C. Ingredients:

  • 4-5 eggs

  • Freedom to choose 2-3 items of the following vegetables:

  • Asparagus, baby spinach, baby plum tomatoes or cherry tomatoes, courgette, mushrooms

Or any vegetable your young person may wish to use that is not in the above list.

  • Parmesan cheese (optional)

  • Olive oil or any type of cooking oil

  • Salt and Pepper

Utensils to use:

  • Medium or Small non stick frying pan

  • Chopping board

  • Fork or egg beater

  • Wooden spoon

  • Frying spatula

Tessie, Bethany and Emma C hope to see you all there

#Freedom2ChooseProg #IndependentLivingSkills #ConvenientCookeryAtAutonomie #AutonomieLive