Our services are shaped by and led by young people - they are at the heart of everything we do at Autonomie.
It has been a very challenging time since March this year for our young people and families (Autonomie VIPs ‘very important parents’) and we are so proud to have been able to successfully deliver practical support to young people by way of digital means.
It has allowed young people living with additional needs to continue social connections with peers and friends at Autonomie at a time of uncertainty and with guidance from parents, young people have been able to continue to develop life-skills training they would normally enjoy face-to-face at our centre Belfast-based Lilac House and at venues in the community.
Regular consultations with parents has ensured we have continued to meet the changing needs of their young person at this challenging time and this week we are shining a light on the wonderful feedback we have received from parents.
Lynne Morrison our Chief Officer would like to personally thank each and every volunteer and staff member for your valued contribution and hard work, helping Autonomie to be a success.
We are super proud to help empower the lives of young people with additional needs to develop the skills to live independently and reach their potential.