Autumn-themed arts and crafts and Candy Apple treats at latest Freedom2Choose

Delivered as part of Autonomie’s 3-year pilot project SAIL, Freedom2Choose offers 16-30 year olds with additional needs access to fun and engaging social and recreation activities on Saturdays and right now sessions are back to being delivered face to face which offers many benefits for vulnerable young people.


On Saturday 9 October 2021, Freedom2Choose Young People got a chance to take part in a group-based Autumn inspired arts & crafts session with Tessie.

As part of this session young people created an autumn bowl using tissue paper which they bled the previous week.

Young People then got a chance to cook up a storm with a cookery activity with Bethany after a well deserved snack and natural peer-interaction with one another.

During cookery with Bethany young people made their very own Spooktacular Candy Apples.

A great session and fun was had by all involved.
