It’s Week 2 of Family Voice Hub’s Yoga and Mindfulness program


It’s Self-Care Week and Week 2 of our Family Voice Hub 6-Week Yoga and Mindfulness Program!

Supporting Autonomie registered parents raising a child or young person with additional needs and siblings, this complimentary Yoga and Mindfulness program offers parent carers and siblings a chance to relax, restore balance and promote vitality from the comfort of your own home.

Session 2 takes place this Thursday 18th Nov at the usual time of 7:30pm and courtesy of Zoom.


In this week’s session with teacher Orla McKeagney participants can expect:

A 40-minute Yoga session with yoga postures, breath work and relaxation techniques

Followed by a 20-minutes of Mindfulness. Mindfulness helps you pay more attention to the present moment, to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you.

Family Voice Hub’s Sharon Quinn will also be joining in and instructor Orla and Sharon are both looking forward to having everyone join them for another evening of restoration and rejuvenation without leaving your home.

Family Voice Hub and our Yoga and Mindfulness Program is proudly supported by National Lottery Community Fund NI.
