Last week Autonomie newsletter subscribers learnt of our new exciting news and we are delighted to share with you.
We are thrilled to announce a new 3-year project SAIL (Social and Independent Living).
SAIL which officially started on 1st May 2021 provides young people aged 16-30 with complex additional needs an interactive, fun learning experience to help them develop self-confidence, self-awareness and provide emotional and practical support during transition between adolescence and adulthood.
This National Lottery funded project offers participants an opportunity to develop, or improve, basic independent living skills and empower them to live more independent and confident lives within their community.
Similar to What Next? project which ended in April 2021, SAIL travels to more out of Belfast locations to reach young people who are unable to travel into Belfast.
This programme includes Freedom2Choose and operates 4-5 days a week for 48 weeks per year over 3-years including Saturdays.
A massive thank you goes to The National Lottery Community Fund NI for their incredible support.
We look forward to getting our services mobile!
Please continue to check our website and our Facebook page for further project announcements coming soon.