Planning for the future workshop

Autonomie Planning for the Future Workshop for Autonomie Registered Parents

When: Thursday 24th November

Time: 7:00pm

Venue: Via Zoom (you can join us on Zoom from the comfort of your own home or join us here in Lilac House

As parents or carers of a child/young person with a Learning Disability you know the need to put Will’s in place that provide for them after your passing.

You want to leave them an inheritance to improve the quality of their life and to pay for those things that the State can’t provide.

However, you know that anything you leave would cause the loss of all their means tested benefits or social care and support packages.

The good news is that there is an answer to your questions and there is a clear path through these difficulties.

This FREE online workshop is aimed at giving you some immediate Do’s and Don’ts as parents of a child/young person with a Learning Disability.

It will help you understand the pitfalls in making a Will and give you easy to understand advice on how you can successfully prepare and plan for the future.

If you have already a Will in place, this workshop will still be of benefit to you by providing reassurance you have indeed the best possible arrangements in place or maybe provide you with a few additional things to consider.

If you are an Autonomie Registered Family and want to find out more or register for the workshop, please email Sharon Quinn, Family Voice Hub Co-Ordinator at or call her directly on 07872519900