Important update from Big Lottery Fund

IMPORTANT UPDATE from the Big Lottery Fund, People's Projects

Big Lottery Fund has advised us that some postal voters have had their postal vote returned to them by mistake due to Royal Mail's automated sorting system wrongly selecting the voter's postcode rather than the Freepost address.

Supporters who intend to vote by post please follow these instructions:

To ensure your vote is received and counted please use an ENVELOPE and include the following information on a piece of paper or card:

On the envelope write:
FREEPOST The People's Projects

On a piece of paper/card inside the envelope write:
Your Name
Your Address
Your Telephone

If you have posted your vote and it has since been returned, please resend using an envelope marked "FREEPOST The People's Projects

On a piece of paper/card inside the envelope write:
Your Name
Your Address
Your Telephone

Need help?
Or would you like us to post your vote on your behalf?

Get in touch!. If you would like us to post your vote on your behalf telephone us on 028 9038 7039 or call Kirsty on 07713956128, alternatively, you can email: and use the subject heading "LILAC House" and provide your name, address and telephone number.

Thanks to all our supporters!