Our latest E-newsletter is out! Read about today's £334,828 Lottery funding announcement and what it means for Autonomie, Freedom2Choose programme and more! Read it here.
Our Latest Newsletter Is Now Out!
Autonomie Launches New Biweekly E-Newsletter
Trustees E-Newsletter Launched
Autonomie has this week launched a new digital resource which will keep trustees up-to-date with news from Autonomie.
The biweekly e-newsletter, a new development for the charity, has gone live this week.
The publication will provide the organisation's trustees with a new way to keep updated on Autonomie's work.
In a further move, friends of Autonomie will also receive the regular digital resource.
Autonomie Newsletter Launched
We are excited to announce the launch of our trimonthly newsletter.
We will be sending out the first issue of the electronic newsletter today (Monday). The second issue will be sent in August and the following newsletter in November.
Please encourage everyone you know who is interested in Autonomie news and events to subscribe to the newsletter on the home page of the website.