Latest Zoom activities schedule: 6-9 October 2020


Coming up at Autonomie this week (Tuesday 6 - Friday 10 October 2020) we have a fun and busy schedule of practical activities taking place remotely and face-to-face.


Autonomie has decided to provide face-to-face sessions for the young people who are not attending any other education or training with other providers.

The families of these young people have been contacted, and as we are piloting this for the month of October, no one else should attend.

Once we have reviewed these at the end of the month we will reassess numbers and delivery and at at times will follow government Covid-19 healthy and safety guidelines.

The following is the plan for this week:


Freedom2Choose programme members in for treat with Wee Critters Show back by popular demand!

I’s Saturday and that means it’s Freedom2Choose time!


We are delighted to have back my popular demand Wee Critters and host Allan with you all today (Saturday 2 October 2020).

Starting at 1.30 pm, Freedom2Choose programme members can expect a fun and educational interactive Zoom session meeting and learning more about wonder animals and wee critters all around us.

Be sure to tune in at 1.30 pm and Emma C will also be tuning in who is excited to find out what Scampi the Skunk, Severus Snake, Dobby the Owl, Tiggy the Hedgehog have been at over the Summer!

It’s easy to support our work with Easy Fundraising with these 3 simple steps!


Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Autonomie with easyfundraising?


There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.


All you need to do is:

1. Go to and join for free.

2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Autonomie at no extra cost to you whatsoever!

There are no catches or hidden charges and Autonomie will be really grateful for your donations.

Thank you for your support.


New way to support our work!


A new way to support our vital work and for free!

We’ve registered Autonomie with Easy Fundraising, which means over 4,000 shops and sites will now donate to us for FREE every time you use Easy Fundraising to shop with them.


These donations will help so much, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely free and doesn’t take long.

A new way to support our vital work and for free! We’ve registered Autonomie with #easyfundraising, which means over 4,000 shops and sites will now donate to us for FREE every time you use #easyfundraising to shop with them. These donations will help so much, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely free and doesn’t take long.

Family Disney Quiz hailed a huge success


On the evening of Friday 25 September 2020 we hosted a Zoom Disney Family Quiz.


It’s was a great way to bring together young people and their families and enjoy quality time with all those in the community.


Team leaders led the dressing up by dressing up as Smurfs and the parents and young people followed their lead. We had Tinker Bell, Woody, Mickey Mouse and Pocahontas.


Great fun night and congratulations to Team Andy Pandy who triumphed as winners.


Great fun was had by all, and all looking forward to our virtual Halloween Quiz and Party 24 October 2020.


Wooden spoon self portraits used as self appreciation tool


On Friday 18 September 2020 Áine supported by Danni hosted a Zoom art and crafts activity session on the programme theme ‘All about me’, so let’s see how everyone got on:

“This afternoon we had a very small group due to young people returning to education and training and enjoying the lovely weather.


“This quiet and relaxed call was an arts and crafts activity of making wooden spoon self portraits.

“We had a good laugh decorating the wooden spoons as each of us had different methods and artistic ideas for how to do it.

“We covered the handle of our spoon (the body of the person) with nice words that we use to describe ourselves. These included funny, kind, active and witty. Once our spoon self portraits were complete we played ‘All About Me’ board game and got to know each other a bit better.


“Danni described her family as nuts, JJ’s favourite drink is water and Malcolm loves going to the cinema.

“It was lovely to hear the young people talk about themselves and listen to each other.


“We each learned lots of new facts and enjoyed reflecting upon our likes and dislikes.

“We look forward to playing this game again with a bigger group and when we have more time.”

To make your own wooden spoon self-portrait or person see instructions below.


Catch-up, face scan arts and crafts and singalong fun at What Next programme

Thursday 18 September 2020


What Next Programme members have joined in a Zoom Coffee Morning session and took the opportunity to catch-up with one another and share their excitement about starting back to their colleges, day centres, and education.


Nicole who led the session explains more:

“After our discussion young people took part in a face scan where they identified each part of their face and drew a portrait of themselves.


“After identifying our head, shoulders .... eyes and ears and mouth and nose we thought it was only appropriate to identify our knees and toes with a quick sing and dance.


“Fun was had by all involved.”

Making mood sandwiches activity session as part of ‘All about me’ themed programme made for a happy group


On Friday 18 September 5 young people joined our Zoom session and made mood sandwiches.


Danni who led the session along with Nicole explains:

“We had a relaxed atmosphere and I showed the young people pictures of different sandwiches shaped with different moods.


“I then demonstrated 2 sandwiches with one happy face/sad face and one with a frustrated face.


“I asked the young people how they have been feeling lately and asked them what has made them happy or sad over the last week I asked what has made them happy over lockdown to which one young person's response was 'seeing his friends over Zoom sessions has made him happy'.


“All in all a pleasant and relaxing afternoon.”