Freedom2Choose Programme: Young people enjoying cracking cookery session making vegetable frittatas


on Saturday 19 September 2029 at Autonomie it was Freedom2Choose day!


A group of young people joined in for a cracking good time as this Zoom session gave young people the chance to a make a tasty and nutritious Vegetable Frittata (Italian Omelette).

Tessie prepared the meal earlier to show young people what they could expect their dish to be like.

Tessie prepared the meal earlier to show young people what they could expect their dish to be like.

The afternoon session was led by Tessie and supported by Bethany and Emma C and delivered via by video using Zoom.

4-5 eggs
Freedom to choose 2-3 items of the following vegetables: Asparagus, baby spinach, baby plum tomatoes or cherry tomatoes, courgette, mushrooms Or any vegetable your young person may wish to use that is not in the above list. Parmesan cheese (optional)
Olive oil or any type of cooking oil
Salt and Pepper Utensils to use:
Medium or Small non stick frying pan
Chopping board
Fork or egg beater
Wooden spoon
Frying spatula


How did everyone get on?

Firstly, each young person had a catch up of how their week went as did the leaders. During the session we even had a surprise birthday sing song for Emma with Lynne joining in.


The cooking session went well. The young people were reminded to wash their hands before the session started.

Mums and dads helped to cut their chosen vegetables and through out the cooking.


Everyone enjoyed the frittata and couldn't wait for tea... well, a healthy afternoon snack.. why not ?!


Latest What Next Programme Zoom interactive activities schedule: 22 September- 2 October 2020


Members check out our latest exciting activities programme schedule which runs Tuesday 22 September to Friday 2 October September 2020.


Our What Next? activities programme in partnership with Community Fund NI runs Tuesday, Thursday and Friday each week and continues to be delivered virtually at this time.


Face-to-face activities at Lilac House will resume when assessed safe to do so.

For queries please contact Lynne Morrison Chief Officer by email at

Feedback we have received from parents highlights crucial support we offer


Our services are shaped by and led by young people - they are at the heart of everything we do at Autonomie.

It has been a very challenging time since March this year for our young people and families (Autonomie VIPs ‘very important parents’) and we are so proud to have been able to successfully deliver practical support to young people by way of digital means.


It has allowed young people living with additional needs to continue social connections with peers and friends at Autonomie at a time of uncertainty and with guidance from parents, young people have been able to continue to develop life-skills training they would normally enjoy face-to-face at our centre Belfast-based Lilac House and at venues in the community.


Regular consultations with parents has ensured we have continued to meet the changing needs of their young person at this challenging time and this week we are shining a light on the wonderful feedback we have received from parents.


Lynne Morrison our Chief Officer would like to personally thank each and every volunteer and staff member for your valued contribution and hard work, helping Autonomie to be a success.

We are super proud to help empower the lives of young people with additional needs to develop the skills to live independently and reach their potential.

Young people to make Vegetable Frittata with Freedom2Choose Convenient Cookery Zoom session

Saturday 19 September 2020


Starting at 1.30 pm on Zoom!

Making a tasty and nutritious Vegetable Frittata (Italian Omelette) - part of our convenient cookery independent life-skills practical training.

The session will be lead by Tessie and supported by Bethany and Emma C. Ingredients:

  • 4-5 eggs

  • Freedom to choose 2-3 items of the following vegetables:

  • Asparagus, baby spinach, baby plum tomatoes or cherry tomatoes, courgette, mushrooms

Or any vegetable your young person may wish to use that is not in the above list.

  • Parmesan cheese (optional)

  • Olive oil or any type of cooking oil

  • Salt and Pepper

Utensils to use:

  • Medium or Small non stick frying pan

  • Chopping board

  • Fork or egg beater

  • Wooden spoon

  • Frying spatula

Tessie, Bethany and Emma C hope to see you all there

#Freedom2ChooseProg #IndependentLivingSkills #ConvenientCookeryAtAutonomie #AutonomieLive

Digital detox day as young people choose to take part in today’s independent skills task challenge


It’s a digital detox day for our members with no Zoom sessions, however, members can choose to take part in today’s independent skills task! A chance for young people to build on their skills which they have continued to work hard on at home since our programmes went digital due to the pandemic.

Remember to send us some pictures of your young person taking part.

**Wednesday tasks (choose any you like!)

  • Make your bed

  • Tidy your bedroom

  • Create a fancy dress look for the upcoming Disney Quiz on Saturday 25 September 2020.

To all those of you starting back to school, college or day centre today stay safe but most importantly have FUN!

*Zoom sessions are back tomorrow Thursday 17 September 2020.

#WhatNextIndependentSkillsTask #AutonomieLive #WhatNextProg

How we are supporting the well-being of our Remote working team


A reminder everyone that there are no Zoom interactive sessions today.

There will be no Zoom calls on a Wednesday for the month of September 2020.


Staff have been and will continue for the month of September to use Wednesdays for staff training and group supervision whilst working from home using Zoom to enhance their personal development skills as part of our ongoing commitment to continue to provide high-quality services to young people.

This is currently under review for the month of October.

Committed to investing in staff and volunteers well-being


Whilst our services are temporarily delivered remotely and our staff continue to work from home, it can be more challenging to maintain structures which supports their well-being.


Checking in with colleagues is not as easy as when working in our offices and therefore it’s vital as an organisation that we continue to dedicate regular structured opportunities to invest in the well-being of our dedicated staff and volunteers.

Thank you for understanding how important it is for us to take these measures to ensure we are supporting our team in the right way.


#TeamAutonomie #WFH #Wellbeing #AutonomieStaffTrainingAndDevelopment

Latest activities schedule for 15 - 18 September 2020


Members check out our latest exciting activities programme schedule which runs Tuesday 15 September to Friday 18 September 2020.


It’s vital young people aged 16-25 in Belfast and surrounding areas with additional needs can regularly access structured opportunities to:

  • socialise with others

  • develop and learn new skills

  • feel part of a community

Our What Next? activities programme in partnership with Community Fund NI runs Tuesday, Thursday and Friday each week and continues to be delivered virtually at this time.


Young people receive latest Well Being Bags for our Zoom interactive activity sessions

Our Chief Officer Lynne Morrison has been organising the latest Well Being Bags which are being delivered to families today and this week.

Young person Meabh enjoyed Lynne’s visit and receiving her Well Being Bag.

Young person Meabh enjoyed Lynne’s visit and receiving her Well Being Bag.

The contents include activities to be completed during our weekly Zoom sessions.

Meabh used her communication device to chat to Lynne during her visit!

Meabh used her communication device to chat to Lynne during her visit!


All made possible thanks to our fantastic supporters.

Tigg along with Meabh.

Tigg along with Meabh.


#AutonomieLive #WhatNextProg #WellBeingBags #CommunityFundNI #HalifaxFoundationNI

What’s on this week at Autonomie


It’s a new week and we have a fantastic week of virtual social and independent living skills activities sessions in store for our young people which starts tomorrow morning (Tuesday 8 September) with Coffee Break and Social at 10.00 am.


It’s vital young people aged 16-25 in Belfast and surrounding areas with additional needs can regularly access structured opportunities:

  • to socialise with others

  • develop and learn new skills

  • feel part of a community

Our What Next? activities programme in partnership with Community Fund NI continues to be delivered virtually at this time.


Face-to-face activities at Lilac House will resume when assessed safe to do so.

To see what’s on at Autonomie this week please visit our website: For queries please contact Lynne Morrison Chief Officer by email at


#WhatNextProg #WhatsOnAtAutonomie #AutonomieLive #AutonomieCoronavirusSupportHub #AbilityNotDisability