***Autumn Leaves Bowl*** Materials needed:
• Chosen same kind of autumn leaves or any type of colourful leaves from a nature walk (dry flat but not crisp)
• PVA glue + small amount of water to mix • Small bowl to use for moulding
• Small piece of cling film to cover the bowl chosen
• Any old kitchen sponge or paint brush for gluing
• Pair of scissors
• Old news papers to cover the surface you'll be working on (to throw after use)
***Autumn Leaf Rubbing*** Materials needed:
• Autumn leaf/ leaves with VISIBLE veins from nature walk ( dry flat but not crispy)
• A4 size white paper or any chosen coloured light paper
• Crayons- autumn colours (orange, red, green, yellow, brown, pink, purple) or any chosen colours you wish
• Masking or sellotape (whichever is available), very small amount needed to hold the leaf/leaves
• Old newspapers to cover the surface you'll be working on (recycle after use)