We are proud to empower young people with additional needs. One way we do this is through promoting education.
Eating healthy is easier when we understand what foods are healthy and unhealthy. Young people recently got to take part in a healthy eating session which demonstrated how to eat a balanced diet using they ‘Eatwell Plate’.
Participants learned about the how much sugar is in certain foods using a sugar cube display before they each took part in cooking a healthy lunch using the fully equiped kitchen at Lilac House!
Participants got to build on their existing cookery skills and those who needed were able to avail of our independent living equipment to prepare their lunch!
Everyone got a chance to make a lunch of beans and scrambled eggs on toast!
Have a look at the picture gallery to see how everyone got on!
Thanks to our fantastic staff and volunteers and partners.
If you or a young person you know would like to find out more about What Next programme and how to get involved telephone us on 02895918051 or email us on hello@autonomie.org.uk