Superhero themed Zoom coffee morning a big hit with members

Wednesday 22 July 2020


This morning we had a superhero themed Zoom Coffee Morning.

Áine who led the digital session explains what the young people got up to:


“Some of the young people dressed up (and made their own costumes) and others brought props to show us.

“We used our new emotion cards to check-in and see how everyone was feeling after their week off.


“We discussed Superman, characters from Harry Potter, Peter Pan and others.

“One of our young people had dressed up as herself and her superpower was adulting.

“It was lovely to hear about the different characters and what we like about them.


“After discussing everyone’s favourite, we played a game of ‘guess the superhero’ using emojis.

“As well as the young people, Danni was very good at this.

“We did a superhero themed word search and then finished with our very own superhero factfile.


“Everyone got very creative in making and naming their own superhero, and telling the group about their unique superpowers.

“The young people were all in great spirits and were discussing what they are getting up to the rest of the week - one young person is extremely excited about getting to the cinema tomorrow for the first time since lockdown!”

#AutonomieLive #AutonomieZoomCoffeeBreak