What Next? Programme launches Feel Good February Challenge to boost feel good factor in young people during lockdown difficulties


Calling all Autonomie young people!

Next week starting Monday 1st of February we are inviting young people to take part in our Feel Good February Challenge!

This challenge will support young people’s mental wellbeing and personal development.

We know it’s an anxious-ridden and unsettling time for everyone, especially for all our young people with additional needs.

Nicole Hammond our Youth Project Officer has this important message for our young people:

“During this time I would like to remind you to be happy. Not because everything is okay but because you can see the good side of everything.

“Each day throughout February we will share a Feel Good challenge right here on our Facebook page and I would ask parents to encourage their child to get involved.

“It’s a group challenge, with everyone taking part at home and the aim is to lift spirts by providing daily reminders of gratitude and small actions each young person can take to boost their mood and feel good.”

The 28 day Feel Good February Challenge starts next Monday morning 1st February 2021.

For information about dealing with coronavirus and how to look after the mental health of young people, please visit the Young Minds website: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/looking-after-yourself/coronavirus-and-mental-health/